Maths in Pop Culture

Popular Culture and Mathematics

Here we will list your recommendations of movies, TV shows, documentaries, books, and other pop-culture incidences about mathematics and mathematicians. Please submit your contributions using the form at the bottom of each page at the class website. Newest entries first.

∑ 2021-10-13: A fun book I'd recommend (if you like math) is The Universal Book of Mathematics: From Abracadabra to Zeno's Paradoxes by David Darling (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), a one-volume encyclopedia with more than 1,800 entries covering math concepts, theorems, and mathematicians and also includes some puzzles and games.

When I looked up the traveling salesman problem there was a see also reference to the Hamilton circuit of minimum weight in a weighted complete graph, which led me to a brief mention of the Hamilton path and then to the knight's tour, which is "a classic chess puzzle: to find a sequence of moves by which a knight can visit each square of a chessboard exactly once." (It can be done and Euler found a tour that visits two halves of the board in turn.)    

Another book you might want to take a look at is Simon: The Genius in My Basement by Alexander Masters (New York: Delacorte Press, 2012), a biography of sorts about Simon Norton, a mathematical prodigy.   (   His obituary appeared in The Guardian and was written by the author of the book:

On a lighter note, I suggest the following:
Homer Simpson vs. Pierre de Fermat--Numberphile.

∑ 2021-10-12: NEW Movie (October 2021): "Adventures of a Mathematician", about Stan Ulam (find him in the index of our textbook). Available now to rent ($6.99) at Prime Video, or see it in November at 2021 Virtual Maine Jewish Film Festival. Deals mainly with the period of his work on nuclear weapons.

∑ My family watched "The Man Who Knew Infinity" (about Ramanujan and Hardy). I highly recommend it. DVD available at Ptld. Public Library. Film went into just enough number theories.

∑ Video about a quilt based on the sieve of Eratosthenes:

∑ Two numberphile videos about prime numbers, both of which show mathematicians having fun with numbers..

James Grimes "Infinite Primes"  provides another look at the proof that there are an infinite number of primes and about halfway through this seven minute video mentions Euclid’s different definition of a prime number.

Matt Parker's "Squaring Primes"  presents an entertaining look at the “fact that all prime numbers, when you square them, are one more than a multiple of 24.” He comes up with his own proof and then shows another, easier way.

The Errol Morris book about what is true: Believing is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography

Another Tom Lehrer math song: “ Lobachevsky”

 Here is a recent article about films dealing with maths and mathematicians. Covers most of the well-known movies.

 The play "Arcadia", by Tom Stoppard, is a fictionalized version of the life of 19th century mathematician, Ada Lovelace.

 A documentary from PBS (I think) about Fermat's Last Theorem:

 As requested by another student, I'm posting a link to Tom Lehrer's "New Math" - not one of his best, but fun.  Most of his songs are REALLY fun!

 Fiction: here's where perfect numbers first came to my notice: 
The Housekeeper and the Professor, by Yoko Ogawa
(The blurb at Amazon makes the book sound like soap opera and less interesting than I found it.)